Hawaii Living

648 Moaniala St (ダイヤモンドヘッド)

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648 Moaniala St (ダイヤモンドヘッド)

  • 価格: $1,598,888
  • 土地面積: 約1,120m²
  • 地区: ハワイロアリッジ
  • 売出し期間: 601 日
  • 固定資産税: $ 500 / 月

***PRICE IMPROVEMENT!! THE LOWEST PRICE PER SQUARE FOOR ON THE RIDGE*** Don't miss this opportunity to own a well positioned 12,000+ sq.ft. lot for your dream home in the Pointe, a SECURED gated community within the gated community of Hawai'i Loa Ridge. The architectural renditions allow you to envision your soothing sanctuary with ocean views you can create to enjoy the private living that is the Pointe at Hawai'i Loa Ridge. The lot is mostly gentle slope giving it good buildability with the steep portion at the back allowing for privacy from the back neighbor. Hawai'i Loa Ridge community amenities include a club house for gatherings, tennis courts and private park with pavilions. The Seller will consider ALL OFFERS and financing available to qualified offers.

648 Moaniala Street (ハワイロアリッジ)

谷田 良子

Vice President of Japan, MBA

携帯番号: +1 (808) 927-8617

Eメール: Yoshiko@HawaiiLiving.com
